Business Training
Not Just a Face in the Crowd:
Each person in an organization is uniquely important. Every team member makes an impact on the entire team. Robin Rose helps people understand how their behaviors and attitudes affect the people around them and how to recognize and change their brain responses.
Robin Rose offers trainings and retreats for leaders and team members. Her trainings focus on understanding the physiology of the brain and changing personal and group responses to stress, change and conflict, helping each person in the team understand their role and how to strive to be their best.
The trainings can be stand alone, a series of trainings, or combined to fit your individual staff needs.
The following are Robin’s currently most requested trainings for teams and staff:
Aim higher…
Manage stress with greater ease
Remain calm and think clearly when the pressure is on
Approach differences openly, staying focused on solutions
Adopt attitudes that foster communication and teamwork
Speak positively about each other, the organization, and your mission
Robin Rose leads workshops and retreats that focus on enhancing skills, integrating new behaviors, and improving performance.
Deeply insightful and exceedingly practical, Robin’s trainings focus on the real-world need of teams and team leaders. Formats include Individual Workshops, Public Classes and a Professional Development Series.
Robin’s approach incorporates whole-brain and accelerated learning techniques. Sessions are positive and dynamic, with both interactive and reflective components.
This allows participants to use much more of their learning potential and increases their retention, and allows them to focus on practical application.
Not sure which training is right for you? Simple — just talk with Robin about what skills you’d like your staff to develop or enhance, and she will help you make choices and/or work with you to custom-design a training that fits what you need right now.